Last revision: March 18, 2024
â–¶ NOTICE â–¶
Your payment for the Crystal's Sky & Land Rentals constitutes your understanding and acceptance of our rules, which were provided before renting via clicking the rental board at the parcel (note the large button labeled 'Click for Rules'). Rules don't often change, but like anything, they can change --- in the event that they do, we will give you a heads up with ample time to take notice. All changes will be posted as "Group Notices” and all subsequent updates will be posted in our office on our “rules board.” If you find yourself not able to locate the updated rules in our office at any time, a staff member would be happy to show you to them.
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Thank you so much for renting with Crystal's Sky & Land Rentals. First and foremost, we want you to feel welcome in your new home or business parcel --- so please review these quick and easy rules to make sure you get the most out of your new spot on the grid.
â—€ Support â–¶
We come very close to offering 24/7 support, but aren't quite there yet. This means, while we do offer around the clock support, there can (and inevitably will) be some down hours. If we're all offline, message us, we'll get back to you quickly and that's a promise. Sending messages versus notecards is preferred, but you may send us a message through any communication you’d like. Please check the rental office for help, our managers and rental agents can assist with anything you need if they are online.
â–¶ IMPORTANT â–¶ If you ever have a problem with someone getting back to you, please message Alexis Crisp in-world or via Discord. Your concern is always completely confidential, but requested so that we can ensure all of our residents are responded to promptly with the utmost courtesy and respect.
Alexis Crisp is the owner of Crystal's Sky & Land Rentals. Alexis can also accept Discord messages on #AlexisCrisp if you prefer :-) All other Rental Agents have a board rezzed at our main office and you may contact them with any concern.
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â–¶ Need more PRIMS?
It's very possible we have extra to assign, ask any of us for help and quotes for prices (we always charge fair prices for extra prim). Need a prim counter? Try clicking your rental meter, which will automatically keep track of your prims for you ... click to update your prim count to stay on-top of usage. Counters refresh every 3 hours automatically without any clicking :-)
â–¶ Need a security orb or prim tracker?
Also available at no charge, please ask us :-). Due to the nature of our lands, we cannot permit your own security orbs at all locations. Please ask an agent for details and 'deeding access.'
â–¶ Need a radio?
We provide a free radio (rezzed) with your land. However, if you do not have one at your land, or you'd like an extra copy, visit our home office and grab a free copy pre-loaded with popular 10 stations. TP: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oxal/132/239/3498
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â—€ Quick & Easy Rules / Covenant â–¶
→ All land is residential OR commercial, except where clearly noted on your rental board. You may use your parcel for either purpose and you do NOT need to notify us of the change.
→ There are no themes or themed content restrictions: design as you wish. Most properties contain no staging. We do not provide themed staging unless it is readily available in a rezzer. If your land has a rezzer, you may change your theme as you wish without needing to notify us. (Rezzed themes are not available as an option if not explicitly included with land --- neither are design services, which may be available at an additional fee).
→ Mainland CANNOT be deeded to your own group. We apologize; however, there are no exceptions to this rule. You must use the secure shared rental group for rezzing purposes.
→ In cases where ground rezzing is permitted, you may have full access to the parcel name, privacy features, description, search, media and music.
→ Listing your parcel in "Search" is an additional fee of L$ 30/week. Please notify an agent that you would like to add this feature and it will be added to your weekly rent charge.
→ Sorry, no refunds for any reason. You can upgrade your parcel size at any time and apply credit you have already paid to your existing parcel, to your new parcel. However, we cannot give you credit to downgrade your parcel. Example, you may go from a 1024 Meter Parcel to a 2048 Meter Parcel and take the credit from the 1024 Meter Parcel, but we cannot allow you to take credit from a 1024 Meter Parcel to a 512 Meter Parcel.
→ If ground rezzing is not available on your parcel, it also will mean you cannot edit some features of the parcel, including parcel title or description. We apologize; however there is no way around this restriction. Media abilities may be restricted as well. If you are unsure about what is and is not available, simply ask us first before paying.
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BREEDABLES: We love them! Breedables are 100%, positively, absolutely welcome! We do NOT have any restriction on how many breedables (or accessories) you can have on SIM or type (yes, this includes Zoobys, too!). For the most lag-free experience, we always recommend sky rezzing versus ground rezzing, but we leave that decision up to you if you have ground rezzing capabilities with your rental. ENJOY!
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→ Your rent is due by the due date on the rental module. or on your parcel. Your rental meter must be housed on-sim and may not be stored off-site (no exceptions, sorry). The rental meter is 1 prim and it has NOT been counted against you in your rental.
→ It's your responsibility to make arrangements to pay on or before your time expires. Regretfully, we cannot hold any unpaid/overdue rentals beyond 36 hours after their expiration. If your rent is not paid by the 36th hour of overdue status, we will re-rent it to another and return your objects. While we do our best to understand things can happen to anyone, our rental locations tend to be extremely popular and highly desired, therefore, I can only ever promise 36 hours of overdue time before re-renting to another person.
→ If you do not pay your rent in accordance to the outlined rules our team will return your objects, please understand, we are not responsible for any lost items or builds --- including valuable, or invaluable no-copy objects/landscaping projects.
→ For your safety, as well as the safety of all renters in our group, you may not return objects that do not belong to you. If you need help returning an object on your parcel, please contact a manager in-world (there are online boards at our office). While we understand this is an annoyance, we must keep all renters safe --- we are only a shout away if you need assistance and it is never a bother to contact us.
→ Most every Crystal's property has sky rezzing access, but some parcels may not. Please double-check the rental board for any restrictions (if it is not mentioned, you have full sky and ground access).
* If you do NOT have access to the ground level, all of your objects must stay within 500 meters of your platform height, you may not exceed this level upwards or downwards and we will do not permit travel outside this radius. Your media players/objects cannot travel outside of this radius please. We reserve to return any items that violate this rule.
* If you DO have access to the ground level, there are no restrictions on sky builds or land builds as long as they adhere to all LL policies. You may build at any height. Enjoy :-)
→ For ground builds, it's always a good idea to restrict all sounds to your own parcel and change visibility so others cannot see into your parcel. By default, we will check these settings for you. You may override the setting.
→ Follow all LL guidelines to the maturity rating of your SIM, it is your responsibility to read, interpret or ask questions regarding LL's rules, not our responsibility to outline them for you: https://community.secondlife.com/knowledgebase/english/maturity-ratings-r52/ . In the event that you have broken the LL TOS, Crisp Estates will be held harmless for your actions. Similarly, if a staff member of Crisp Estates notices you have broken LL TOS, you will be reported and banned from Crisp Estates. Please ask a manager for help if you don’t understand the TOS, we are happy to help guide you.
You are fully responsible for anyone you invite to the rez group. If there is an issue of abuse, or violation of any TOS or rules, I will hold you fully accountable for their actions, which may include a permanent ban from our company without refund.
→ You have full permission to add anyone into the rez group that you would like. Please understand, when you add someone to the group, they will have FULL AUTHORITY over the parcel (in cases where GROUND BUILDS ARE PERMITTED ONLY), the same authorities that you have.... but...
→ IF YOU DO NOT FEEL COMFORTABLE with this person having full control over your parcel, I urge you to contact a Crystal's staff member to invite/change the the role of the person in the rez group to "Crystal's GUEST" As a guest, they will be able to rez, set their home to the parcel and fly only.
→ You are free to sub-let your parcel as you see fit. You may re-rent it out to a stranger, or a friend, keeping in mind that the tenant must also agree and understand the rules outlined in this agreement. If you sub-let, or rent out your parcel to a stranger and there is a dispute, Crystal's shall be held harmless in the event of a disagreement between you (our tenant) and the sub-letter (person you re-rent your parcel to). All rules outlined in the Crystal's rules will act as the default (and overriding) rules of the parcel and will override any agreements otherwise added while sub-letting a parcel (by you). Please remember we must ALL abide by Linden Lab TOS ... any content violating Linden Lab TOS will not be tolerated.
→ Ban lines are fully allowed on all parcels, except for Sky Lands where it is not possible to reach.
→ Your parcel is equipped with a state-of-the-art, highly customizable security orb by default. The orb helps you maintain strong security on your land, including protection against griefers. By default, the orb is customized to allow up to 20 seconds for someone to leave your parcel (you may make the time less if you choose). You have the ability to make someone an admin to your orb, or a member of the orb, as well as just a temporary guest. Your orb does have the ability to automatically ban members from your parcel as well.
→ We encourage you to work together with your neighbors to try to settle disputes directly, in a civil and polite manner (just as you would do in real life). If you are not successful in working with your neighbor, you may contact Crystal's agents to advocate for you. Please understand; however, that Crystal's will not alter or change our rules to accommodate a dispute between a fellow neighbor with our company. Should there be a violation of TOS and/or our own rules, we will ensure that the neighboring parcel is brought to compliance immediately. Please also understand that in many cases, you may be next to neighbors who do not rent from Crystal's and a result, may require a different approach (to which, we are very happy to assist as well). Last, please keep in mind, no matter the outcome, your neighbor is someone who also lives within your community ... always be kind, respectful and treat them as you would like to be treated, mutual respect goes a long way in resolving any misunderstandings.
→ Personal romantic and/or suggestive sexual relationships and/or advancements between tenant and agent, manager or owner are prohibited. Please note, while this is SL and we are all here to enjoy and relax, we remind you that Crystal's is committed to providing our employees and tenants a safe, encouraging and respectful environment. Should there ever be a concern or violation, please contact Alexis Crisp directly (in-world: Alexis Crisp, Discord: AlexisCrisp).
→ Comments to staff or other residents about: ethnicity, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other personal attribute, of any type, are simply not permitted. Harassment, stalking or any type of anti-social behavior is not permitted. If you experience any degree of harassment, please contact Alexis Crisp immediately (in-world: Alexis Crisp, Discord: AlexisCrisp).
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Please note, we are completely “hands off” and want you to feel at home and safe in your parcel. This means that we do not need to be added to orbs or access lists and we will not stop by uninvited. That said, if you need us to come by to adjust something… especially if you are offline when we come, please “unlock” the door for us so we can get in.